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Healthy Snack Balls

There are variable snackball recipes, but they all have something in common. You need something dry and grinded like coconut, oats, almonds, nuts. You need something sweet und gluy like dates, (fresh) figs, other dried fruits. Top it with some kind of healthy fat, like tahini, peanut butter, other nut mashes. If yoy are fancy, add cocoa powder or bigger nuts for the crunch or whatever smiles at you. The All-in-Kat's-Cupboard-Version from yesterday : Oats Orange Juice Cocoapowder (unsweetened) Dates (I used soft dates, not completely dry ones) Cocos Tahini Crunchy peanut butter Let the oats nearly entirely suck the orange juice. Then grind everything until you have a well formable consistency, not too gluy. If it is to soft add more oats/cocos. If it is to dry, add more Tahini. Enjoy your healthy snack. Love, Katie

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